Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Mama B's Bakery

I wanted to make the logo something you thought of when you heard bakery and the first thing to come to my mind was donuts. I'm still working on cause somethings wrong but I can't quite figure it out. Any input would be great.


  1. I think you should make the donut fatter. The font for "Mama B's Bakery" is kind of simple! Love the idea though. :)

  2. Dear Nick, this is a truly inspirational design. The logo really makes me think of baked goods right away. I might change the spacing of the font, but other than that it is absolutely gorgeous. What a "treat"

  3. After looking over your logo I can truly say it very good. All I can say is that you may want to try to make it a little simple.

  4. I believe this illustration is very well put together I also think that you must've put a lot of thought into this because I know I would not of thought of something as creative as this. So I'd say you did a terrific job!

  5. Good, but instead of a bakery, I think of a donut shop.
