Thursday, December 19, 2013

This is the updated cover photo to my portfolio. I removed the to pictures because I wasn't to crazy for the idea and just kept it simple.
This was a project that me and two other people in my class created. It was a follow up to another After Effects project. We green screened to items in and created this. After a little practice, it's pretty simple.
This is a Christmas Card that I created in Photoshop for my Visual Design class. Whenever I think of Christmas, the first thing that I tend to think of is a snowman. I used the ellipse tool to create all the circles of the snowman and the pen tool to create the hills, top hat, and his nose. I applied a gradient to the sun to make it show like it was giving off heat. I hope that everyone enjoys there holidays!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


For this project in Illustrator I created a troll off of a sketch. At first when I started adding the gradient and color, I used the live paint tool without backing anything up which completely messed up my lines. So I had to restart it but the next time I just outlined each body part which worked much better. I learned a lot about pen tool and creating smoother lines and curves as well as the gradient tool. I learned a lot about shadowing also by just adding a simple shape and making it a darker color.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Photo Retouching

For this project in Visual Design, I retouched a portrait of myself in Photoshop. In this project, I used many different tools to remove blemishes from my face, smooth things out, add light and darkness to areas, and get rid of hairs. The clone stamp helped me remove the random hairs and the spot healing brush was used to remove blemishes. To brighten my skin I used the Dodge and Burn tool and various blend modes were used to smooth out my skin.  Overall, I learned a lot from this project and I am very happy with the results.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Mama B's Bakery

I wanted to make the logo something you thought of when you heard bakery and the first thing to come to my mind was donuts. I'm still working on cause somethings wrong but I can't quite figure it out. Any input would be great.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Portfolio Cover Page

In Visual Design class, we created a portfolio for our art work in Adobe InDesign. It took some time to get started and get the grasp of the program but once you did, it got a lot easier. I went for a kind of standard simple cover page that pops out a little with the tool bar being a sort of sky blue.