Wednesday, April 16, 2014

For this project, we are taking a picture of a girl in a box and moving it over to a large room. I am know where near done with this project. The Miniature Scene Project took much longer than I expected. I am currently pen tooling out the unnecessary parts around the girl. Once that is done, I will be using multiple composting Technics to make her flow and look natural in the room.

Miniature Scene

For this project, we took 3 items: a lion, a plant, and a calf. The project was fairly simple. We pen tooled most of the items out then added small adjustments such as shadows and lighting changes to make it flow. It was very time consuming all though. It took me a little longer than I would have liked it too.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Princess Pickles

We had to princess a person in our class but we felt that this picture illustrated Meaghan's personality way more perfectly.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3D Illustrator Map

This project was definitely more of a challenge. Creating the houses on the land to give it that 3D effect took a lot of shaping and trial and error. The tools were pretty basic to create everything. Most if it was the pen tool, rectangle tool, and scaling. We took a screen shot of a place of our choice from Google Maps and gave it this 3D effect. I couldn't decide on a place and my really good friend just recently moved to Australia so I decided to choice his new neighborhood. The outcome was overall pretty good.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Crappy to Snappy

This is my finished project for the "crappy to snappy" website remake I created. I felt that everything was too small and your eyes weren't appealed to anything. The top space was also too empty. I tried to add some pictures up there but they just didn't click. So, I decided to type in "Hawk Life" instead which doesn't look too bad. I mostly focused on the events and link making them bigger and more appealing. There are of course still changes that can be made, but overall, I feel that this is a big improvement compared to the original.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

This is the homepage of my high school. When I first look at it, it just seems so boring and you don't really know where to look. The things that I feel should be popping out more is the "Announcements" and the "Happening Next". That should be the main focus which I am focusing most on and making it larger and more appealing. I am also adding a few more colors.